
Sunday, September 5, 2010

A tip for teachers

Looking for something to spice up your classes, provide a warmup for ESL students, or a way to help you teach the history of the English language? Six Words You Never Knew Had Something to do With Pigs includes over 500 fun and fascinating word histories explained in a chatty, humorous, and accessible way. The words are organized thematically over the course of a year, so if Thanksgiving is coming up, you can find out why we call the bird a turkey if it's not from Turkey, or with the World Series on the horizon, you can find out that an umpire used to be a numpire (really!). There is also an index by language of origin, so if you're doing a unit on a particular culture, say India, you can easily find words that English borrowed from that culture (did you know "shampoo" was originally an Indian word?). You can order it directly from this blog!

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